Hey Hydrangea.

This jacket fits beautifully, drapes perfectly and all whilst serving its intended purpose of keeping me warm (while still looking cool) over the next couple of months.  I have been assessing my winter staples of late, and I can't even begin to express how much I'm looking forward to it. This Staple the Label jacket from Beginning Boutique is going to be on full rotation for the whole season. 

Sorry for being a bit MIA. I have a bit of a habit of putting to much on my plate. Amongst interning, a new job, still working my old job and attempting to complete full time studies, it's safe to say that my time is fairly precious. Fear not though, I have some pretty exciting things to share with you over the next couple of months. 

T-Shirt & Chain / Sportsgirl : Shoes / Windsor Smith : Blazer / Gifted from Beginning Boutique : Skirt / Motel for ASOS

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Photo's by Georgie W