This Tuesday-- protest a foreclosure!

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011 at 2PM
38 Seneca Street, Springfield, MA
Two days before Christmas, 40 community members and supporters protested at 38 Seneca Street to demand that PHH Mortgage Corporation stop the foreclosure auction scheduled for that day.  38 Seneca Street is the home of Noelia Ramos, her husband, her daughter and her two year old granddaughter.  The power of the community successfully postponed the auction until January 25th.  We cheered and chanted, "We'll Be Back!"
Shortly after the auction, Ms. Ramos received a call from the bank asking what all those people were doing outside of her house. When Ms. Ramos explained they were there to support her and fight for her and her family, the bank's representative said, "Well now you can just deal with me," and asked her to send in loan modification papers again! Ms. Ramos sent in her information and is still trying to work with the bank to find a reasonable solution. But PHH Mortgage is planning to foreclose on her home during the middle of the process!
Why won't the bank cancel the auction and negotiate in good faith to modify Ms. Ramos' loan?!

Join us to protest PHH's insistence on auctioning off the Ramos Family home.  If the auction proceeds on Tuesday, let's give potential investors a loud message that our community supports the right of Ms. Ramos and her family to stay in their home.  The No One Leaves/Nadie Se Mude campaign is determined not to let another Springfield house get boarded up by the bank and another Springfield family get kicked out onto the street!

For more information, contact organizer Malcolm Chu at 718-666-6872.