Minutes for Meeting 30/1


we shall gather imput from the communities present through the via of:

- film, ask people to answer a few questions about what they'd like to see in a social centre
- the paper bricks which people can write on and stick to the cardboard social centre

This information should be compiled for the open meeting next saturday

Why Glasgow?

One question which has been put aside since it was raised at one of the first meetings is what makes Glasgow special, and how can we make the social centre relevant to its particularities.

Glasgow has a very rich history of activism and resistance (cf. rent strikes, poll tax strikes, tanks sent to george square to quell protests).

Could we maybe host an event which would have a look at this history of activism? This could be a very intersesting venture and could help us find how we might fit into this history. Kate would be willing to take on the organisation of this event if there is motivation for it.

Social at the Pearce Institute

A social event is being proposed to be held in the PI some time in february. Could we help organise this? It would be good practice for when we have our own place to organise events in! Bob to get more info.

Open Meeting

7th feb, 2-4 Posters and flyer have been made and sent round by pearce everone: get them out there!

This meeting could take the shape of several short presentations followed by a discussion on the social centre. These presentations could include:

- feedback from reshuffle
- update on how far we have got already (for all those who haven't been to our weekly meetings)
- galgate
- clydebank social centre (jonny to check that out)
- history of glasgow's activism
- bridge (bob)
- campaign to save schools (bob to contact them)
- any other community campaign or project willing to present s/t

Presentation should take a maximum of 5 minutes and would ideally underline why there is a need for a social centre. Anyone willing to do a presentation should email denis (quelgamin@hotmail.com) and i will compile a schedule for the day.


quick update: a source from inside the city council has suggested that most of the properties which will be on offer will be relatively out of the way. There might however be some around trongate and king street. (do not tale that for said, we don't know where they will be yet and won't until the end of feruary when the new list of properties is published)

The point that we must fit into the community where we will be was reiterated. This is essential if our project is to be a success, since a centre that isn't used or accepted by the local community will not survive.

Business plan

Many questions regarding our functioning must be answered before the workling group can make much progress. Questions to be thought about will be sent around by Jonny, and next meeting (next two meetings?) will be dedicated to these. Therefore please attend next (2) meeting(s) if you cannot please relay your thoughts on these matters through someone who can.