"Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You" | Social Media Link Partay

I heart linky parties.

Don't let the fact that I only submit to a couple every month make you think otherwise. I'm just a busy gal and sometimes it falls down to the bottom of my priority list.

I've always wanted to host one, and deciding whether to make it a free for all or a themed party got me all flustered and bothered.

Then, one day last week I decided it was about high time to share some of my social media handles. I need to get better with "The Twitter" and desperately could use some fun Instafriends to follow.

Out of this, my social media link party was born!

I want to know WHO you are, what your social media handles are, what you use the most, and last but not least, why not link up to your favourite blog post from your blog if you have one.

And, maybe give us a little blurb about yourself- where you're from, what kinds of things you tweet/instagram about, and then please feel free to follow all the other readers! That's what it's all about! (Hokey Pokey?)

I'll start the party off!

I'm Jen, although you may probably already know that. I'm from Vancouver (actually, South Surrey), British Columbia, Canada and I like labels, wiener dogs and easy DIY projects.

I joined Twitter a while back and although I tweet a few people sometimes, I'd love to be more active and interactive on it. You can follow me @thepapersociety and please leave your handle so I can follow you right back!

I am obsessed with Instagram. Love love love it. I mostly browse my friends photo and try out effects on my own, but don't post too often. When I do, it's usually pictures of my wieners, a new vegan recipe I've tried out, and some random house photos.

I don't have a facebook page for this blog yet, but I do link to new blog posts on my Paper Society facebook page and share some fun organizing links now and then and well as exclusive deals for my facebook friends! 

Do you think I need a separate page for The Social Home? Is it confusing that I go under both monikers (I sometimes wish I thought this through a bit before I started!)?

Pinterest. Need I say more?

If you haven't already, come on and visit me at Etsy. 

Well, you're reading this, which means you already know that I'm on blogger! But did you know that I FINALLY got a domain name? And actually, not just one, THREE! That's right. Now, in a pinch, you can find me by typing into your web bar:

and for my American friends who may not be as used to typing in .ca, I was able to get:

and then Go Daddy decided to give me www.thesocialhome.info for free, so I took that one too!

Alright friends, link away in the comments section (because I can't find a better system to link up multiple social media links etc.) 

I am really looking forward to following and getting to know you guys a bit better!