Summertime approaches which means we are swapping our jeans for shorts and out jackets for tanks. Something about these pictures reminds my of far North Queensland. I think it's the dryness of the grass  behind me and the warm saturated colours. Very costal looking and very hot! Anyway, my wardrobe has made a full rotation and the knits and coats have been pushed to the very back (however, there was an unexpected cold snap last week), I'm sure it's going to be all about how little clothing we can get away with wearing from now until at least May next year. As long as options like these from Beginning Boutique and Vama Style keep on rolling out, then you shouldn't hear too much complaining coming from me. 

Kapow Singlet: Beginning Boutique, available here
Lady Luxe Shorts: Vama Style, available here
Chain link Bracelet: Peeptoe, available here

Photo's By Suzie.W

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