The Criminalization of School Discipline in Massachusetts' Three Largest School Districts

 Read this article-- although for poor families and families of color, it's a scenario we know all too well. Want to get involved in changing the picture?  Contact the Springfield Student Advocacy Project, (413) 342-0080, Email:

Arrested Futures: The Criminalization of School Discipline in Massachusetts' Three Largest School Districts

from the American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Massachusetts, Citizens for Juvenile Justice
Principal Author: Robin L. Dahlberg
From the Executive Summary:
On October 23, 2007, a 14-year-old boy at the Kennedy Middle School in Springfield, Massachusetts, was arrested after he refused to walk with a teacher to her office and instead returned to his classroom. According to the police report, he yelled at the teacher, bounced a basketball in a school hallway, failed to respond to a police officer’s request to go with the teacher and slammed his classroom door shut. He was subsequently taken into police custody, handcuffed, transported to the police station and charged with “disturbing a lawful assembly.”
This incident illustrates a matter of growing concern to educators, parents and advocates: the extent to which the permanent on-site presence of police officers in public schools results in the criminalization of disruptive behavior. While other research has focused on zero-tolerance policies and the overuse of out-of-school suspension and expulsion as significant factors in feeding the “School-to-Prison Pipeline,” this report focuses on the additional problem of arrest, in particular the use of arrest to address behavior that would likely be handled in the school by school staff if not for the presence of on-site officers.
Published on American Civil Liberties Union (

The art of folding

Micheal Jackson hologram at TSJS4

Mike was having such a great time on the 5th of October. Jamming, popping, gyrating & moonwalking his heart out.
Mike on Monday morning. Effects of a hangover: his head in his hands! Apparently he was on tequila that whole night!!!!


Mangstarr in a custom made Indigo Thesis jeans. the pocket stitching represents sea waves from the Kasi Sailor collection. Too nice!
The cut is a regular tapered fit! inspired by jeans Thesis recently made for Dj Kenzhero. Well; we'd like to call it: the "Kenny Cut"
Drinking coffee in custom a made black & grey striped Thesis shirt. Detailed with bits of red stiches & buttons. Its got what we call a raglan sleeve: similar to baseball jackets & T-shirts. very dope design! a True Mangstarr design!

The Bouncer

Converse All Star. Also called "khonjenje" in the deep crevices of Soweto. Love by those that feel free to be themselves or just simply that chilled out kind of vibe about it. That red line on top of the sole's rim: completed the canvas wonder. Most guys who have the pair have a certain bounce to their steps. I used to wonder why? Till I got myself a pair! And what do you know? The boy was bouncing here & there & everywhere. Like I just drank a bottle of gummy juice! its only natural I suppose. It’s the first & the last! The alpha & omega of sneaker culture. Anyone who is in tune with the culture should have owned or owns a pair; at some point in their lives.

Yet Another DIY Ikea Built In

The VERY first thing we purchased and installed when we moved into our house was our media storage/shelves from Ikea. And when I say we, I mean my in-laws, because it was our housewarming gift (thanks guys!) and because my father-in-law installed it (merci Poppa Terr!). 

I work for a home builder and so I know how much these things cost when done by a profesional millworker. Something like this would be around $5000. Ay chihuahua! Our version cost just over $500.

I've had lots of questions about it from friends and readers so thought I'd give a bit of a run down.

Firstly, there are loads of media units at Ikea that are already put together (no, not assembled because what would Ikea be without the annoying little bubble man on the one page instructional showing you how to put together your newly acquired furniture?).

But, there are sets that are essentially "pre-bundled", and then there are just random separate pieces that you can buy and use to make your own wall unit.

Luckily, Ikea has a fantastic Besta planner that allows you to build your wall unit online and add doors, frames etc and prices it all for you. This was really helpful for us when trying to decide between buying a bundle or buying all the pieces separately. At the end of the day, I was so happy we went with the Besta pieces and were able to make it work with our space.

My father-in-law (with help from hubby's bff) built a platform for the 2 base pieces to sit on, and then the shallower bookcases of the same product line were used to frame the TV. Everything is secured to the wall for extra stability!

I wanted to de-Ikea-fy it, so I grabbed my tub o'spackle and filled the  little holes on the inside of the cabinet once I had placed the shelves where I wanted them. I didn't sand or paint, I just made sure to fill the holes very flush and then waited to see what they looked like when dry. And amen, it worked! Hubby had no faith in me at all, but I'm glad I did it.

It is FAR from finished (which is sad because we've had it for 2 1/2 years) but I do have some great plans to make it look even more custom. I plan to use some crown moulding along the top so that there is no gap (gap is shown with phtoshopped trim in first pic), and perhaps some trim on the side to help it look more "built in".

I am DYING for some intricate hardware a la chinese chests/dressers but haven't found any I like for little moolah. Any resources you can recommend?

Lastly, I have some FABULOUS stacked quartz tile that I would love to install to the back of the cabinets and behind the TV. I have been waiting to pull the trigger because a part of me doesn't want to waste my beautiful tile in this home because a) it would be great to have it for our eventual future fixer upper, whenever that may come (hoarder?) and b) it will certainly be a bit tricky if we DIY, or costly if we hire a pro, and I'm worried that doing it won't bring much if anything to our property value since we're in a townhouse.

What do you think? Should I just bite the bullet and do it? Or do something less permanent and costly and line the back with fabric or wallpaper and/or paint? Let me know your thoughts!



Nordic Light x Georg Jensen. Part 3

It takes a lot guts as a fashion blogger to stand in front of a camera in strange places posing and taking pictures when you are well aware that you are by no means any sort of model. I've always wanted to share what goes on behind the scenes and show my readers that there is just so much more to it! I was so anxious about sharing this as there is no post image editing or photoshoping (at all!), but I hope you get a better idea within the short 50 second time frame of what really goes into putting together an outfit post, as well as some of the amazing friends I have to help me do it. 

This is my first ever Vlog post showing behind the scenes of my Georg Jensen collaboration. All thanks to, Danny! 

All pieces are from the 'Fusion' Collection, available here

Concept & Styling: Chloe Cumming
Direction & Words: Bianca Blades
Photography: Hannah McCawley
Film: Danny Camara

Suboo x Miami Fashion Week.

Recently I shared my images from the Suboo Resort collection shown at MBFW earlier this year, which was by far one of my favourite shows. This week, Suboo have crossed the ocean to debut their S/S 2013 collection at Miami Fashion week, with great results so I hear! Congratulations!

Images from the show can be seen here

Look what I found at The Dollar Store (well, actually on eBay) | Part Three

Now that our British family is back in Londontown, and my in-laws have left for back home, I am hoping to get back to regular programming! Today I had an awesome makeover (in my head) to show you, until it all went south. My cherry stained wine rack that I tried to spray paint white turned orangey pink. Ooopsies. Looks like I'll have to do things the proper way and sand and prime and all that jazz. Don't hold your breath for that post.

To fill the space that should have been a wine nook post of my kitchen, I decided to share some of my CHEAPO finds! Who doesn't love a good deal?

Instead of my occasional Dollar Store round up (Part One and Part Two here), I wanted to share with you some amazing buys that you ALL have access to, no matter where in the world you are, and that magical place is known as EBAY!

I love eBay for loads of reasons, but the main one is that you can find rare, very expensive designer items, at the same time as cheap, mass produced accessories (among a billion other things).

I like to mix and match my accessories, so I am totally not against wearing my Michael Kors watch with a $2 bracelet. Actually, I encourage it. Just like someone donning too many brand logos in one outfit, decking yourself in pricey accessories can sometimes look like you're trying too hard (or perhaps I'm just envious of those who can afford a slew of pricey accessories?).

Anyways, whether you're a real fashionista, or a faux one like me, you might appreciate some of these finds I've had my eye on or snagged recently.

First up, those gorgeous retro shades can be found on pretty much every celebrity face out there. I have no clue who the original designer is, but I do know I really love them. For $5.99 with free shipping, how can you go wrong?

That watch? Ya, the one photographed isn't the actual eBay watch, but close enough. I wanted a nice crisp photo so my good friend Google Images gave me that one. Anyways, you can get a stunning Ceramic Watch that looks like this for less than two skinny vanilla lattes. That's pretty rad. I bought the silicone version for $3.50 seen here (including shipping, woot woot), but plan on ordering this ceramic one to add to my watch collection! I've been very impressed with the quality for the price so far.

OMG. These studs. Are. Amazing. I had very low expectations for $2.99, and they blew me away. They are so sparkly and go with absolutely everything. I used to wear pearl studs everyday (I guess I might as well divulge that I buy them at the ABC store for $3.99- yes real fresh water pearl studs!), but now that I've got these I don't even know where my pearls are. I even choose these over my Tiffany silver ball earrings. Love la la love. I just got a pair in gold which are a tad more bronzey than gold, but I still really like them. If you do order just one pair, make sure you get the clear crystal ones because they are a NECESSITY in life. Ya I said that.

If you're looking for some even better steals, take a peek at these!

Loving the studded look? Use this photo as your inspiration and get these beauties for just $1.49  including shipping (how DO they do that? I don't think I could mail a letter to China for that let alone a package!). Redic.

Are they awesome quality? Probably not, but they are sure to last you about as long as the studded trend lasts.

This owl necklace is just plain adorable and whimsical, especially for under $3. I don't have one, but did order this hot air balloon necklace. It was about $2 a few months ago, but the seller doesn't have them in stock anymore.

It's really fun to wear and I've had loads of people ask where it was from.

Lastly, this "love" ring is so sweet. For $1.75, it's worth stocking up and using them as gifts for your girlfriends for those times when they need a little pick me up. These Love Studs are pretty adorable too ;)

Any good cheapo finds on the internet that you've discovered recently?


Don't want children and families out on the street? Then PROTEST!


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is about to make its biggest attack on homeless families to date, by making it almost impossible for homeless families to qualify for shelter.  My guess is that this move will be accompanied by a strong push to get families already in shelter out of there as fast as possible.

If defending these families-- some of whom are our own members-- isn't the central mission and responsibility of Arise, then I don't know what is.  In fact, I can't think of anyone who is poor or progressive who can afford to do nothing.  If you absolutely can't come to the demonstration, then please, please call Governor Patrick and your state legislators.  617.725.4005 or 413.784.1200.  You can find more information at Arise for Social Justice. 

Don't be fooled if the Gov's office says things aren't as bad as we're making them out to be.  Our reading of the regulations (and the reading of the Mass Coalition for the Homeless and Mass Law Reform Institute)  says that families will even be permitted to sleep in bus stations and still not be eligible for shelter.  The Dept. of Housing and Community Development, which oversees the regulations, says it's not as bad as all that.  Then they need to change the regulations!  And that will only happen if we are loud, clear and speak with one voice-- right now!

Two important vigils to stop foreclosure evictions

From Springfield No One Leaves:

 For six years we've been making this demand across Massachusetts and backing it up by being ready to resist bank attempts to evict families for no reason at all! Last night at our weekly Bank Tenant Association meeting we discussed the possibility of two of our members (the Mendez Family & the Tucker Family) facing evictions as early as August 3rd. Both families have move-out dates scheduled for July 31st. The BTA voted to use civil disobedience if necessary to block the evictions of the Mendez Family and/or Tucker family from their home. 

Both the Mendez Family and Tucker Family are making demands long made by our movement - we are demanding that Aurora Bank & Deutsche Bank, respectively, stop No-Fault Evictions after foreclosure. Instead, we have a simple solution: 
Both the Mendez & Tucker Family's can afford their home after foreclosure, or can afford rent. In both cases they've offered to buy back at current value - and would even agree to share any equity appreciation in future. The Tucker family has secured financing from a non-profit to buy at current value in cash. But in both struggles, Aurora Bank and Deutsche bank are refusing to negotiate, instead continuing the banks practice of evicting families for no reason at all. 


We'll be ready to block these evictions, but we refuse to sit on the sidelines and simply wait for the bank to evict!. We're going on the offensive. 

On MONDAY JULY 30TH & TUESDAY JULY 31ST we will hold back-to-back candlelight vigils to highlight the immorality of Aurora & Deutsche Bank's actions, make our demands clear, and send out a notice that Springfield will not allow for no-fault evictions of our neighbors! We'll be canvassing neighborhoods, reaching out to local elected representatives, building with ally organizations and getting media attention to spotlight the truly evil and unjust actions of the banks. 

Mendez Family Home - 27 Talmadge Drive, Springfield, MA

TUESDAY JULY 31ST - 7:00 PM (in place of our SBTA meeting)
Tucker Family Home - 53 Palo Alto Road, Springfield, MA

Please save the date - more details to come in the next 2 weeks! 
Peace and Solidarity, 
Springfield No One Leaves/Nadie Se Mude


Simon Grey is one of the bloggers I like to visit and it's quite a mystery to me why he does not get more of comments on his blog. He writes well, can maintain a consistent line of thought and unlike a lot of bloggers in this bit cyberspace is not a one trick pony. He put up a rather good post a week ago, which I think touches on one of the motive forces of political correctness. From his post:
This pathology, it seems to me, extends beyond just emotional directness.  We lie to people about everything, for fear of offending them[ED].  I cannot even begin to count the number of times where I pretended to agree with someone just so they wouldn’t get angry.  I know that there are many people who tell me only what they think I want to hear just so that I will feel good about myself.  It is almost impossible for me to find anyone who is able andwilling to give me constructive criticism about anything because most of the people I know are simply too afraid to say anything that might even begin to appear to be ever-so-slightly confrontational.
This modern American society, then, is founded upon a culture of lies.  The fact that we cannot be honest with how we feel about one another is but one microcosm of all the big lies we have bought into.  Dishonesty permeates every aspect of our culture, and so we hide behind irony, false insincerity, and false bravado.  Nothing is serious, even when it ought to be.
I'll disagree with Simon here. It's still my impression, especially amongst the SWPL crowd, that Americans have a degree of cultural insecurity and when they want to appear cultured they traditionally aped the habits of the Europeans,  particularly the middle to upper English. As a result, modern mainstream American culture is founded upon the high Anglo-Saxon cultural tradition.

Now, My upbringing was essentially continental European whilst I living in an Anglo-Saxon culture. I've now realised that this has put me in the privileged position  of being able to see both the strengths and weaknesses of both cultures. It's a common complaint amongst lots of Europeans that you can't trust the English. Perfide Albion and its variants are a common theme throughout Continental Europe, but I think the Europeans are wrong in attributing to the English outright dishonesty. It's my opinion that the English place a much higher value on politeness than the Europeans do. They are concerned with not giving offence and are hence more diplomatic or circumspect than your average German or Italian. The European, of course, interprets this as the Englishman lying whereas in reality he is trying not be offensive.

The Germans, on the other hand. are pretty forthright at what they want to do. For this they are considered coarse and brutal. Yet, to the German he is being forthright and "honest". Unlike the Anglosphere politicians. The Germans are quite frank about what Europe needs to do to balance its books and are less likely to speak in euphemisms like "quantative easing". i.e printing money. They're direct.

It's my opinion that one of the big weak spots in Anglo-Saxon culture is the cult of politeness which America has inherited as a consequence of historical circumstances. I imagine that that this cult has it's origins in the ideals of upper class behaviour; in the ideal of behaving in such a way to never cause offense. This ideal manifests in many ways; in always being considerate of the other, in not talking about "taboo subjects" and in being deferential to others. To put it simply, Americans are too polite to tell the truth.

I imagine that the reason that politeness is so entrenched in Anglosphere is because it is necessary pre-condition of a tolerant society. For a society to work,  people need to get along, and it's obvious that deliberately rubbing people the wrong way is going to lead to societal dysfunction. The ideal of politeness relegated contentious points of difference to the private sphere whilst the common good was freely discussed.

The problem with this ideal though, is that the private actions and beliefs can't be compartmentalised; private beliefs have public consequences. For example, the belief in the permissibility of divorce is a private matter but the familial dysfunction and societal consequences thereof are a public effect. What the cult of politeness does is stop us from dealing with common good problems which stem from private choice. Particularly, the problems of the social effects of personal morality.

But this cult of politeness also generates a far more insidious problem; that of self-censorship. The polite man does not want to cause offence, but what that means he is constantly trying to gauge what is offensive, and hence the level of public discourse is limited by "sensitivity" of his audience. A very "sensitive" audience can shut down discussion on a subject entirely by being offended or feigning offence. In days of old a man could be censured for lying but all he has to do now is be offensive, say something the mob doesn't want to hear, for him to be punished. This is why "hate speech" legislation is so insidious, it purports to do a good whilst in fact furthering an evil.

It is the shrieking violets in our society which now control the public debate. There are large areas of that are simply off limits to discussion simply because polite society finds the truth offensive, not factually wrong. It's this cult of politeness that makes a man a public enemy for speaking the truth.

Success in Anglosphere society is not only predicated on one's objective achievements but upon the social conventions that one assumes. Admission into this society, the society which still effectively governs and wields power, comes with the adoption of its habits and behaviours. Having the right attitude is just as important as one's achievements. Just ask Nobel Laureates James Watson or William Shockley. ( I don't personally support their views but their treatment at expressing them is a cause of serious concern). Politeness then becomes a mechanism that suppresses the truth and excludes it from the governing  Anglo-Saxon(High Protestant) cultured class. It's also why business is a big enforcer of political correctness. The boss's company is a refection of himself and if his employees are openly spouting certain positions on Middle East policy, Racial IQ or Game, he is going to look bad amongst his golfing buddies or the hot secretary he is trying to bed. He wants to be part of the club. Social pressure keeps him toeing the line.

The solution to this problem is not the elimination of politeness as an ideal, but the recognition that excessive "sensitivity" or offense to the truth is a vice and that pandering to these people is evil. It needs to be recognised that Politeness has its limits though Redneck Primitivism is no solution to corrupt Haute Bourgeois Socialism i.e SWPL (though the Rednecks have time on their side as reality always triumphs in the end.) The solution, of course, is the polite man who unafraid to speak truth to social convention. In the end, the good man can't engage in pretty lies of omission just to keep the peace or look good amongst his friends.

One of the things that I noticed on my recent trip to the U.S. was that Americans were very, very polite.

Nordic Light X Georg Jensen. Part 2.

All pieces are from the 'Fusion' Collection, available here

Concept & Styling: Chloe Cumming
Direction & Words: Bianca Blades
Photography: Hannah McCawley
Film: Danny Camara

Comfort. Nico Underwear

Itchy bits, stabbing wires, straps and clips that sit in all the wrong places. All the qualities that make up cheap, mass produced underwear that I absolutely can't stand. Until recently, I have three favourite bras that I have on rotation based on their style, comfort and practicality. However, there is NOTHING attractive about them. Recently I made my way down to a local festival where I discovered NICO UNDERWEAR

In their own words:
" We minimise our impact on the environment and make all of our garments in Australia under ethical conditions. Our materials are sustainably sourced and Nico Underwear is made to last. "

Organic, style and comfortability? I'm sold. My pick is the bamboo jersey set available here and here ON SALE!

The Insane Cruelty of Gov. Patrick Toward Homeless Families

I am seething with rage.  For months we at Arise for Social Justice have been fighting to keep the proposed new rules about who's eligible for family shelter from becoming too draconian.  With our allies at Mass. Law Reform Institute and the Mass. Coalition for the Homeless taking the lead, we were able to make some small changes in the regs-- not enough to keep many new families from becoming homeless, but something, anyway, and our thoughts were turning toward this fall and winter and what we might be able to do to find shelter for the unsheltered.

Today we found out that the Dept. of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will be applying the strictest possible interpretations of the new regs-- not that the families described are ones that must be sheltered, but that these are the only families who will be sheltered.  The rest?  Out on the street and out of luck.  The regs were encouraged and signed by Gov. Patrick.

We had a woman in the office today who has a 20 year old underemployed son and an 16 year old daughter with severe autism.  Her husband left them unexpectedly ("I woke up one morning and he was gone.") and she fell behind in her mortgage and every other bill ("He hid how much debt we were in".). Now her house has been foreclosed on, and she has 30 days to get out.  She won't be eligible for emergency shelter. Maybe she'll be eligible for one of the fewer than 500 MRVPs that are supposed to help end family homelessness, or maybe the RAFT Program, a benefit to help families come up with first month's rent and security or other bills....and then what?

Actually we had two former homeowners today.  The second was a 74 year old grandmother with custody of her 10 year old granddaughter.  She hasn't made a full mortgage payment in over a year, and is having trouble getting onto the food stamp program, because she can't provide proof of shelter costs, because she doesn't have any.  They won't be eligible for emergency shelter, either, when they are finally evicted.

Last but hardly least, we met with a young woman with two children and two black eyes.  She's been staying with her sister and her sister's two children in a two bedroom, subsidized apartment.  Her sister was just notified that she faces eviction unless her "company" leaves.  The woman's two black eyes came about because she started hitting herself in the face when she completely lost it, realizing she and her kids were about to become homeless and had no place to go..But she doesn't fall into an eligible category, either.

Every day is like this.

One MLRI lawyer commented, "So we've come to a point where the state's housing agency issues a reg that would define a bus station as a 'housing situation' that is 'meant for human habitation' (because it has lights, heat, running water and toilets).  Thus a family with children living in a bus station is not sufficiently homeless to be eligible for shelter.  This is beyond Kafka."

I feel particularly angry at the service providers and their networks.  In spite of warnings by Arise and others, they put on their rose-colored glasses and gave the new head of DHCD, Aaron Gornstein, a stamp of approval before the evidence was even in. ("He's a compassionate person who really understands homelessness.")  Gornstein and Governor Patrick don't even have the guts to say, "We're done sheltering homeless families,"  but do it all under the banner of doing good for families!

Just as I have said that all poor people in Springfield were victims of last June's tornado, not just those who lost their housing, so all poor people, and the neighborhoods in which they live, are victims of  Patrick's new policies.  The dismantling of the communities of poor people continues.

I'm going to paste some information from the Mass Law Reform Institute about what actions you can take that might help-- we have to try-- try hard and right now.

But first I have to say something about Arise.  We are the only grassroots, poor people's organization from here to Boston and one of only three left in the state that will absolutely go to the mat for poor people, especially homeless people.  I can guarantee you that there's not one organization in a 90 mile radius that, tonight, is anguishing over how poor families will survive and which is also plotting, planning and organizing.  I suppose that's partly because our core members and our staff are all too familiar ourselves with foreclosure, eviction and homelessness.

If you think the work we do simply has to be done, then you've got to support us-- with your commitment, your actions and your cash.  We need donations very much.  Please send us some help at Arise, 467 State St., P.O. Box 5423, Springfield MA 01101.  And call us if you want to take action-- 413 734-4948


Please call today!  Ask the Governor and the Legislature to PUT A STOP to emergency assistance (EA) regulations that would leave homeless children and their families in dangerous situations. (Copy of proposed regulations is attached).

Under the new rules that will go into effect in 60 days unless we stop them, children and their families will be ineligible for shelter even if they
·        have nowhere to sleep except a bus station or a hospital emergency room
·        are in a double up situation where the child is being abused by a neighbor
·        are in a housing situation where the mother is being regularly raped by the primary tenant
·        are in a housing situation that is unfit for human habitation (such as not having running water) and the landlord could fix it but won’t
·        are in a housing situation with lead paint, exposed wires, overcrowding that violates the sanitary code, or infested with rats (as long as the infestation isn’t caused by accumulated garbage)
·        were evicted through no fault of their own (for example, because the landlord wants to put the building on the market) and have no place to go

And many of the families who might meet the new standards won’t be eligible due to new unreasonable third-party verification requirements.

Please call the Governor, 617.725.4005 or 888.870.7770
Ask him to PUT A STOP to these inhumane rules.

Please call your state Senator and Representative via the State House switchboard at  617.222.2000 (or get their direct numbers at 

Ask your Senator and Representative to ask Senate President Murray and House Speaker DeLeo to PUT A STOP to these inhumane rules.

Nordic Light X Georg Jensen. Part 1.

Diamonds cannot burn to ash. Under duress of fire and flames, a diamond disappears into thin air. In the woods at dusk, they say that humans can be lost in the same way. The tallest trees bear the only witness, having watched the old world and the new pass by. She is running soundlessly beneath the tree tops, never leaving as much as a shadow in her wake. The dying rays of sunlight gleam in her finery: yellow, red and white gold. She smiles at the thought of diamonds growing for a millenia, as she vanishes between the trees.

Social Emissions, for Georg Jensen

All pieces are from the 'Fusion' Collection, available here.

Concept & Styling: Chloe Cumming
Direction & Words: Bianca Blades
Photography: Hannah McCawley
Film: Danny Camara

Rachel Pfeffer X Molten Store.

A beautiful video from our favourites at MOLTEN STORE put together by the most amazing creative team. Honestly, we couldn't have expected anything short of amazing, this feature post celebrates the collaboration of Rachel Pfeffer X Molten Store. This is the second drop of their eclectic rings, all of which are available online now. 

Art Direction; Jessy Cameron

Photography; Elisabeth Willis
Film and edit; Chris Proud
Styling; Sarah Marion Birchley
Styling Assistant; Samantha Kolb
Makeup; Katie McIntosh
Model; Charlotte Collins
Photography: Libby Willis

Apropos My Previous Post.

As I said in my previous post, it appears that both national IQ and culture matter with regard to a country's economic performance.  Richard Lynn, one of the authors of, IQ and the Wealth of Nations, has put up and updated list of National IQ correlated to academic performance. Unlike some of the strong HBD supporters, even Lynn recognises that IQ only partially, though quite significantly, explains the economic success of a country.

To test this hypothesis, Lynn and Vanhanen (2002) examined the relationship between measured national IQs of 81 nations and GDP (gross domestic product) in 1998. The correlation was .73. It was argued from this result that national IQs explained 53 per cent of the variance in national per capita income[ED], and therefore that it provided a major contribution to a long-standing problem in  development economics first raised by Adam Smith (1776) in his Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of  Nations, and summarized by Landes (1999) as the problem of “Why some are so rich and some are so poor”. The solution proposed by Lynn and Vanhanen (2002) to this question was that some are so rich partly because they have higher average IQs than those who are so poor. It was argued that this should be regarded as a causal relationship because it is an extension to nations of the established causal relationship of IQ to income among individuals.
Rindermann and Thompson, in Cognitive Capitalism, put forth an quite forceful argument linking the wealth of nations with the IQ of their elites. But even here they did this with a qualifier;
The results underscore the relevance of human capital for the wealth of nations, more particularly, the relevance of the intellectual classes, as mediated by high accomplishment in STEM and by economic freedom.[Ed]
I'm more impressed by this idea (and its implications) than the national IQ approach because the governing elites provide the mileau amongst which their lessers operate in.

But it also appears the IQ alone is not enough, rather an IQ that can deal with scientific and technical issues is the one that provides the payoff. Arts IQ doesn't seem to provide the goods.  The interesting thing is why is this so?  Why does STEM competency translate into economic development? The obvious answer would be that STEM competency translates into industrial might which raises living standards, but I think this would a false conclusion.  Russia has provided some of the best scientists and engineers ever and yet it's economic development lagged the West.

My personal view is that STEM competency is conditional on an understanding of reality. In other words, you can't ignore reality and be competent in the STEM fields. On the other hand, you can be competent in the humanities with a total disregard to reality. Russia may have had brilliant engineers but it was ruled by a taliban of Communists who literally ignored the realities of human nature and hence operated its society with system of flawed morals. Likewise, particularly in the Anglosphere West, our ruling elites are made up of humanities majors "i.e Lawyers" who hold a view of human nature that is at odds with reality.  Their decision making is idiotic because their understanding of the world is idiotic as well.

I'm not saying that the Humanities are irrelevant; a world without art and culture would be an impoverished one, rather a Humanities disconnected with reality of human nature is a malignant version of it. A classical education, for all its faults, at least thoroughly schooled men in the reality of human nature.  It's understanding of beauty at least produced beautiful buildings as opposed to modern architecture which seems deliberately designed to uglify the world.  It's emphasis on philosophy at least emphasised the principles of logic based on commonsense.

The secret to economic success from a national perspective seems to be  and elite which possess both high IQ technical competence and moral conservatism.

Great Article by Fred Reed.

I'm late to the party, but Fred has put up a good essay over at his site.

Executive summary: IQ matters but so does culture.

Do A 360 For Me Baby. SUBOO .

I have personally flicked through hundreds of photos in order to pick some of my favourite images from the Suboo Resort show earlier this year at MBFWA (sorry it took so long!) to share with you. This was such a beautiful collection combining a world of digital print fantasies, sports luxe, neon pops and soft sorbets, sugar coated with a slick pony tails and light summer coloured sandals. Presented in the most spectacular location, the 360 degree Summit Restaurant blew my mind with its jaw dropping views of the harbour and the city, beautifully framed by a collection of wild and exotic flowers running all along the banisters.
