To fill the space that should have been a wine nook post of my kitchen, I decided to share some of my CHEAPO finds! Who doesn't love a good deal?
Instead of my occasional Dollar Store round up (Part One and Part Two here), I wanted to share with you some amazing buys that you ALL have access to, no matter where in the world you are, and that magical place is known as EBAY!
I love eBay for loads of reasons, but the main one is that you can find rare, very expensive designer items, at the same time as cheap, mass produced accessories (among a billion other things).
I like to mix and match my accessories, so I am totally not against wearing my Michael Kors watch with a $2 bracelet. Actually, I encourage it. Just like someone donning too many brand logos in one outfit, decking yourself in pricey accessories can sometimes look like you're trying too hard (or perhaps I'm just envious of those who can afford a slew of pricey accessories?).
Anyways, whether you're a real fashionista, or a faux one like me, you might appreciate some of these finds I've had my eye on or snagged recently.
That watch? Ya, the one photographed isn't the actual eBay watch, but close enough. I wanted a nice crisp photo so my good friend Google Images gave me that one. Anyways, you can get a stunning Ceramic Watch that looks like this for less than two skinny vanilla lattes. That's pretty rad. I bought the silicone version for $3.50 seen here (including shipping, woot woot), but plan on ordering this ceramic one to add to my watch collection! I've been very impressed with the quality for the price so far.
OMG. These studs. Are. Amazing. I had very low expectations for $2.99, and they blew me away. They are so sparkly and go with absolutely everything. I used to wear pearl studs everyday (I guess I might as well divulge that I buy them at the ABC store for $3.99- yes real fresh water pearl studs!), but now that I've got these I don't even know where my pearls are. I even choose these over my Tiffany silver ball earrings. Love la la love. I just got a pair in gold which are a tad more bronzey than gold, but I still really like them. If you do order just one pair, make sure you get the clear crystal ones because they are a NECESSITY in life. Ya I said that.
If you're looking for some even better steals, take a peek at these!
Are they awesome quality? Probably not, but they are sure to last you about as long as the studded trend lasts.
This owl necklace is just plain adorable and whimsical, especially for under $3. I don't have one, but did order this hot air balloon necklace. It was about $2 a few months ago, but the seller doesn't have them in stock anymore.
It's really fun to wear and I've had loads of people ask where it was from.
Lastly, this "love" ring is so sweet. For $1.75, it's worth stocking up and using them as gifts for your girlfriends for those times when they need a little pick me up. These Love Studs are pretty adorable too ;)
Any good cheapo finds on the internet that you've discovered recently?