Already, as of this writing, the initial post has 42 comments, of varying degrees of quality and counter-snarkiness. Nice way to get attention, Strumpette. But did ya really think we'd believe that "the chicks" in your office were gossiping about Mr. Rubel?
More importantly: what do you do for an encore? This industry, all $3B of it, is still a small field. For all his "fame" in the blogosphere, there are probably only 500-some-odd people who even know of Steve Rubel. I feel for the guy. Steve is among the very first journeyman PR guys to gain some clout outside the Big Names like Burson, Edelman, Weber, Dyson, etc., and he's just 7 minutes into his 15-minute run at fame when he's attacked...
I tip my hat to the headlong rush of Strumpette to the top o' the meme, but I can't help but smirk at the silliness of it all.
I think I'll go take care of my clients. They are so good about ensuring that we keep things in perspective.