Lovin' the love

I am very new to this bloggy community, but am overwhelmed by the support and encouragement of other bloggers. It is such a fantastic community to be a part of, and I feel completely honoured every time I'm acknowledged. Sometimes I need to pinch myself when I see that my home or pantry has been featured. It's CRAZY to me!

So today, I want to thank Courtney from A Thoughtful Place for featuring my pantry from her Keep Calm and Organize On link party (AMEN to organizing!).

And, another massive thank you to Sarah at Just the Bee's Knees for my first ever house tour feature! Thank you thank you, and I am now motivated to finish and blog the rest of my home!

And lastly, I want to send some blog loving out there to Jennifer from The Chronicles of Home. I am LOVING her blog which is the prefect blend of delicious recipes and amazing DIY projects. She definitely inspires me and is the kind of DIYer to aspire to (unlike my corner-cutting self!). I am BLOWN AWAY by today's post, where she shares pictures of her recent furniture build.

She BUILT this X bench! HOLY COW! Sorry for all the caps, but I am just completely amazed by her skills. It's one thing to build an X bench, another to make it look like an expensive piece of furniture that she could have purchased from a design store, and she successfully achieved both. One day, I am going to try to attempt this DIY because it just looks so darn amazing. Who doesn't love an X bench?

And thanks to all you who continue to read my blog and sporadic posts. It warms my heart every time I get a comment  notification in my inbox, and your words really make chugging away at making my house a home just that much more worth it. Thank you all!

xoxo J