What’s with the Weird Weather?
Climate Change Teach-in
  Thursday, May 17   6:30-9pm,
Unitarian Universalist Society    220 Main Street,  Northampton
The following  climate scientists and energy experts in the Pioneer Valley will discuss the latest science and increasing extreme weather events, and call for more urgent federal and state clean energy policies:

* Asst. Prof. Michael Rawlins, UMass Geosciences Dept.;
           Manager, UMass Climate System Research Center
* Prof. James Lowenthal, Smith College Astronomy Dept.
* Prof. Michael Klare, Hampshire College and 5-College Sustainability Program,
             author of “The Race for What’s Left: the Scramble for the World’s Last Resources”
* Prof. Jan Dizard,  Amherst College Sociology Dept. 
* Prof. Alan Werner, Mt. Holyoke College Geology Dept.

--Cash Prizes of $50, $25, and $15 to those who invite and bring along the most other
people --relatives, friends, neighbors, fellow workers or students, members of your faith
community or local organization—especially those who are not yet convinced of the
urgency to stop climate change.

--Co-sponsors:  Grow Food Northampton; GreenNorthampton; Peace and Justice Committee
of First Churches, Northampton; Traprock Center for Peace and Justice; Safe and Green Campaign;
Greenfield Community College’s Peace, Justice, and Environmental Studies Program;

--More Info:  Pioneer Valley Climate Action  413-625-6374  pioneervalleyclimateaction.org
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