SO, first day of MBFWA did not run quiet as smoothly as I planned.
1. My hair consists of a braid that was 3 days old. I stupidly thought I would have enough time to wash my hair at 4am in the morning before catching my flight. I nearly snorted when someone asked me if they could take a picture of my, I quote "awesome hair".
2. Flight was delayed. If you follow on my on twitter, you would have know I was actually frantic to get to Sydney on time for my first show... Gail Sorronda.
3. Had 45 minutes to get from the airport, to where I was staying and dump my bags. Made the cab driver wait for us as we frantically changed into fashion week appropriate footwear and grab camera essentials.
4. Discovered what "the box" was/meant and was bitterly disappointed. If you were there during the week, you know what I am talking about.
Check out my incredibly cute Karen Walker - Mini Skull Studs from Beginning Boutique.
Fashion week essentials at their very best.
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