One, Two. MBFWA

These are literally just snippets of what has been the biggest week of the year so far for me. I have no doubt that most of my readers have already seen photo's floating around from most of the collections on the blogsphere and go-to fashion resource websites but I just wan't to highlight some of my favourite moments from ONLY the first two days of MBFWA. My feet, back and shoulders are struggling, but I will endeavour to continue posting over the next week. Stay tuned for outfit posts, street style snaps, event coverage as well as a sneaky Vogue soiree that I have the privilege of attending. 

P.s You might recognise some of the front rowers from Miss Unkon ... 

1.2.3 Gail Sorronda
4. Camilla
5.6 Miss Unkon
7.8.9 Flowers for a Vagabond
10.11.12 Toi et moi

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