Whilst you all might think that fashion week, equates to glamorous parties & soirees, whilst sipping on Moët and privately viewing stunning collections in the midst of some of Australia's most influential personal. You are wrong... MBFWA was nothing but long days of standing in lines, waiting, and washing down pain killers to numb the aching pain in the balls of your feet. HOWEVER, there was one particular occasion during the week, where all my fashion week dreams (expectations, really) came true.
I was cordially invited to attend a beautiful evening in the Georg Jensen store, whilst in Sydney. It was here that I had the pleasure of mingling quietly with other bloggers, chatting away with staff members whilst casually trying on stunning pieces (far beyond anything I can currently afford) and indeed sipping on Moët Chandon. The event was held in celebration of Georg Jensen's Fusion Line which you can view here. We also had the opportunity to preview in person the cross-stitched artworks by Inge Jacobson, which were recently featured in Vogue.
Thank you Georg Jensen, I rather enjoyed my one evening of feeling just a little bit glamorous.
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