TWO opportunities for solidarity this Monday

THIS IS THE BIG ONE! Charles Wilhite's next hearing is this Monday, April 9th at 9 am. It is an evidentiary hearing for the 25(b)2 Motion, for which there are four possibilities (below).  For those of you unfamiliar with the case, Charles is currently behind bars for life due to a wrongful conviction of murder in the first degree.  Those of us involved in his campaign for freedom are positive that he is innocent.  Now, the judge is starting to reconsider his position.  Judges RARELY consider 25(b)2 motions.   Here are the possibilities:

1) Judge Velis denies the motion; we go back to square one
2) Velis reduces the sentence 
3) Velis orders a new trial 
4) Velis sets aside the guilty verdict to a non-guilty verdict 

Charles' daughterAs you can see, there is A LOT resting on this hearing. We had 70 people at his last hearing - let's double our presence at this hearing!! Charles' daughter just celebrated her 5th birthday. Let's PACK THE SIDEWALKS AND THE COURTHOUSE on Monday, SPREAD THE WORD FAR AND WIDE, and WRITE LETTERS to the DA to make sure that Charles can be there for his daughter's 6th birthday!!

Following the Justice for Trayvon Walk (which brought out thousands of people), the Justice for Charles campaign held a Community Conversation on Race and Justice in the Springfield Public Library.  We had 40 community members, religious leaders, organizers, and family members join together to discuss their opinions, experiences, and hopes for the future.  We are in an exciting, momentous time in the movement for racial justice here in Springfield, and beyond.  We recognize that this movement is bigger than Charles - and that the more pressure we exert on Monday on behalf of Charles, the more power we will then possess for the next Charles.. and the next Melvin.. and the next Rekia... and the next Trayvon.. 

Please meet us outside the courthouse (50 State Street) at 8:30 am on Monday April 9th.  We will hold signs and rally before going inside to the hearing.   The hearing may last a few hours.  

There should be cars leaving Amherst and Northampton Monday morning for Springfield.  If you would like a ride, please message me on facebook or call me at 617-460-5238 and we'll figure something out.  

With love and solidarity-
Dan Keefe
P.S. feel free to forward this message on to your friends.  


How often do you hear this - an investor owner of a property is offered a check from an occupant - and the investor TURNS IT DOWN! 

Join us next Monday for a rally where we will deliver a rent check and demand that Richard Blaser and Richard Werman accept Tammy Sullivan's rent and stop evicting her after CHASE bank foreclosed on her! 

UN-RENT STRIKE & Rally W/ The Sullivan Family
Targets: Investor Richard Blaser and Foreclosing Bank: JP Morgan Chase! 
16 South Boulevard, West Springfield, MA (MAP)
Outside the Investor's office! - park around the corner on High St. 

Tammy Sullivans Fight Against Chase Bank and Richard Blaser: 

Tammy Sullivan lives with her two daughters in a house they've owned for 14 years and that has been in their family for 31 years! She fell behind on her mortgage after a car accident in February 2011, and tried repeatedly for a modification with Chase bank - submitting the same paperwork 5 different times only to get the run-around from Chase's modification department. 

Last December, prior to the house being foreclosed, Tammy was informed that she had an outstanding loan balance of just under $11,000. Determined to keep her home, Tammy told that bank that she was going to take out nearly double that from her 401K savings that she had been saving from her full time job as a Customer Service Consultant and her part time job as a Sales Associate to pay off the outstanding balance. While in the middle of the process of receiving her 401K, Chase Bank moved to foreclose on her home on December 21, 2011. Get this: Instead of waiting to work with Tammy, Chase spent over $10,000 in legal fees to foreclose on the home, and sold it to a private investor at auction for only $28,000! 

Since then, Richard Blaser - the investor who purchased the property has refused to accept rent and told Tammy he would sell the house back to her for $70,000. The house is only valued at $40,000! Recently, Mr. Blaser moved to evict Tammy and her daughters from their home no-fault! An eviction hearing is scheduled for next Thursday April 12th in Housing Court. 

If Mr. Blaser accepts rent, he can still market the property occupied! Why not accept rent, keep the Sullivan's in their home of 31 years and continue to market the property?

We will not stand for investors or banks who prey on our communities and put profit before people, who would rather evict than accept rent! According to Deed records, Mr. Blaser and his associated have made a habit out of purchasing foreclosed properties and flipping them for profit. Since 2009 they've profited nearly $300,000 on purchasing foreclosed properties in the area. 


We'll see you there! 

Springfield No One Leaves/Nadie Se Mude Campaign