Occup-oetry: Deadline April 27th

                            {& Prose, Song, HipHop, etc}
            for Earth Day & May Day
{and the 1st anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster,
and 2nd anniversary of the Gulf Oil spill}

SLAMMIN’ the STATUS QUO (the 1%)
SAVIN’ the ECONOMY,  the PEOPLE, (the 99%)
                  and the PLANET 

Friday May 4             Northampton     Friends Meeting House, 43 Center St.
Wednesday May 9    Greenfield           Arts Block, Main Street 
Friday May 18          Amherst              Food for Thought Books
                                   (all from 6:30 to 9pm)

*  Poetry, prose, and song about war and peace, economic and social justice, environmental protection, racism, women’s/LGBT/human rights, and immigration.   Spoken word that speaks truth to power, and empowers and inspires us.
Authors welcome to submit work by Friday April 27 (maximum of 10 minutes) for consideration by a panel of local poets for the Northampton event.  Deadline is Friday May 4 for Greenfield event; Friday May 11 for Amherst event.  And please share this invite with others who might like to participate or attend.
2 periods when audience can respond to what they've heard.
Poems and lyrics will be available on paper (with poets’ permission) for audience to read along if they wish, and take home

Sponsored by:  Pioneer Valley Climate Action;  Safe and Green Campaign; GreenNorthampton; Grow Food Northampton; Peace and Justice Committee, First Churches of Northampton; Greenfield Community College’s Peace, Justice, and Environmental Studies Program; Center for Environmental Civics; 20/20 Action;
More info:  John Berkowitz, PVCA Director and Poet, 
413-625-6374  johnpberk@gmail.com                     www.pioneervalleyclimateaction.org