{& Prose, Song, HipHop, etc}
for Earth Day & May Day
{and the 1st anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster,
and 2nd anniversary of the Gulf Oil spill}
SLAMMIN’ the STATUS QUO (the 1%)
SAVIN’ the ECONOMY, the PEOPLE, (the 99%)
and the PLANET
Friday May 4 Northampton Friends Meeting House, 43 Center St.
Wednesday May 9 Greenfield Arts Block, Main Street
Friday May 18 Amherst Food for Thought Books
* Poetry, prose, and song about war and peace, economic and social justice, environmental protection, racism, women’s/LGBT/human rights, and immigration. Spoken word that speaks truth to power, and empowers and inspires us.
* Authors welcome to submit work by Friday April 27 (maximum of 10 minutes) for consideration by a panel of local poets for the Northampton event. Deadline is Friday May 4 for Greenfield event; Friday May 11 for Amherst event. And please share this invite with others who might like to participate or attend.
* 2 periods when audience can respond to what they've heard.
* Poems and lyrics will be available on paper (with poets’ permission) for audience to read along if they wish, and take home
Sponsored by: Pioneer Valley Climate Action; Safe and Green Campaign; GreenNorthampton; Grow Food Northampton; Peace and Justice Committee, First Churches of Northampton; Greenfield Community College’s Peace, Justice, and Environmental Studies Program; Center for Environmental Civics; 20/20 Action;
More info: John Berkowitz, PVCA Director and Poet,
413-625-6374 johnpberk@gmail.com www.Image: DANIEL HASKETT FOR THE BOSTON GLOBE