Celebrate International Workers’ Day
with Western Massachusetts Jobs with Justice
Voices of Working People’s History
dramatic readings ~ lots of songs ~ from people who make history happen
but are usually left out of history books ~ with emphasis on Western Mass. voices
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
7:00-9:00pm {doors open 6:30}
221 Appleton St, Holyoke
Heritage Park parking lot across from the Police Station; free garage nearby
Sponsor the Program/Song Book: $50 per person or $100 per organization.
Donations to the Warren J. Plaut Charitable Trust Jobs with Justice Fund (or WJPCT/JwJ) are tax deductible. Send to Western Mass. Jobs with Justice, PO Box 296, Granby MA 01033.
Western Mass Jobs with Justice
640 Page Blvd #101
Springfield MA 01104
(413) 827-0301