it's the war that keeps on taking...U.S. lives, Afghan lives...and that we barely notice anymore. Come on, do something. From United for Peace and Justice.
One in five U.S. combat deaths in Afghanistan this year were caused by Afghan security forces who turned their American-provided weapons on their U.S. “allies”. The recently publicized horrors in Afghanistan committed by U.S. soldiers are not exceptions but sadly reflect the cumulative effect of war and occupation.
The situation is so bad that we now fear that the Afghan security forces, our supposed partners, will kill U.S. soldiers while they sleep. In order to protect the troops from their Afghan colleagues who live and work on their bases, Gen. John Allen has assigned U.S. soldiers, called “guardian angels,” to guard sleeping troops. What more needs to be said? This insanity must end now.
Americans are overwhelmingly against the war in Afghanistan – a recent CBS poll shows a record 69% of Americans think the U.S. should not be involved in Afghanistan. Click Here to tell President Obama, your Senators and House Representative to listen to the American people - we want our troops home now.
In good conscience, how can anyone ask the troops, who we are told are fighting for us, to continue to risk their lives, limbs and emotional well being for this endless, futile war? The troops don’t get to choose the wars they fight. We must not expect them to sacrifice for no good reason. It is our responsibility and duty to demand our politicians end this war. Silence is an affirmation for continued war.
Click Here to tell President Obama, your Senators and House Representative that we want our troops home now! Ask them to co-sponsor HR 780 in the House, and introduce parallel legislation in the Senate. HR. 780, the Responsible End to the War in Afghanistan Act, would end combat operations in Afghanistan and limit funding to the safe and orderly withdrawal of all U.S. troops and military contractors. Or call your member of Congress toll-free at 877-429-0678.
The military strategy has failed. The illusion that there can be a military victory in Afghanistan has prevented the vital diplomacy necessary to bring about a regional solution in Afghanistan while decimating our economy. Everybody is losing.
We need to keep the pressure on our president & elected officials – they need to listen to the American people. The vast majority of Americans want:
· a safe and swift troop withdrawal
· a diplomatic surge bringing stability to Afghanistan and the region
· take warlords, drug lords and the Taliban off US payrolls