We do (unfortunately and fortunately) live in a new house. With new cabinets. And so, the practical part of me has prevented me from ripping out my new kitchen for my dream kitchen. The time will come though.... oh yes it will.
In the meantime, I am finding ways to customize our kitchen and help it stand out from the hundred other kitchens that look the same in our community (no literally, like a hundred). When I
The installation process and advice I have to give could easily fill two blog posts, so I'll wait to post all the nitty gritty details. For now, let's just look at pictures. Pretty pictures.
This is the before. I love our home, and I love our builder (especially considering I now work for them!), but I don't know who in their right mind felt that espresso cabinets and grey/white/black granite counters meant that a camel/tan coloured backsplash was in order. So out it went and in with the marble!
Before (very before... like before we even painted)
Before (but after we painted Behr Rhino)
Before. This is a pretty good representation of our old backsplash. If you're my neighbour, don't come knocking and asking for sugar....
And now!
And a nice detail shot of the tile.
And there you have it! I absolutely love the new look and the white marble truly truly makes a massive difference in the feel of the room, and makes it feel so much larger! Had I known how much of an impact it would have, I might have done it sooner. So that being said, if you're contemplating backplashin' in the near future, go for it! You will not regret it :)