Moustache Bash!

Nothing tickles my whiskers quite like seeing my attempt at graphic design come to life! About a month ago, Kristin, a client turned friend of mine, asked for some help designing her big sister's baby shower (I feel like a part of this family as I've taken part in co-ordinating both sisters weddings, and now designing for one of their baby showers!). I am always up for designing party graphics especially when it entails some fun elements for me. Now Kristin had some reservations at first about doing a Moustache Bash (that's the same as Mustache for those from down unda in the Americas), as it is seen a lot on Pinterest and in the blog world. After some deliberation, we realized not everyone is as over saturated as we are when it comes to online trends, so moustache it was! 

Kristin did a fantastic job on this party! I'm sure her sister was absolutely blown away. And now that Kristin is preggo as well, Im sure there will be another fantabulous shower in the works.

UPDATE: You can now purchase this printable party on my etsy shop! Check it out here!