A chance to associate with Nike was never on my mind, especially through running. Which is something I do to benefit myself. Being a friend of Nike has installed in me confidence and has made me more comfortable running in my environment. Wednesdays have become half day for me at work as I have to make way to Rosebank for the once a week Nike Run Club starting at 17:30.
Thesis Concept Store in Soweto being my everyday zone means #RunJozi will be removed from reminders on my phone. This is because there is a pretty cool painted wall you can't go without noticing just outside Thesis. For me it will be a constant reminder as it is the first thing I spot when I get off the taxi, walk to the shop and that's always been my favorite space to take random pictures.
#RunJozi is to be the greatest experience in my relationship with Nike. For me its not about being number 1 but seeing Jozi people [especially the youth] come out to take part in such positive event. People have a chance to run through Jozi , have fun, network and take back the city. Unless they never had it. I'm hoping to see you there.