Pantry Pretty: Dollar Store Pantry Makeover

After my first visit to Trader Joe's a couple of weeks ago (seriously, how can we NOT have this in Canada- the place is INSANE!) I realized that I needed to up the ante on my pantry prettiness. The vintage graphics and nostalgic packaging of many of Trader Joe's house brands just filled me with complete and utter glee. I even left the bag of flour on my counter for a good two weeks just so I could stare at it while I was cooking. So, at that I decided to redesign my pantry labels and pick up some more containers and get this pantry (aka just a cupboard since I don't have a pantry) into shape.

First things first, I needed more containers. After the onslaught of "Pinterest Pantries" out there, I made it my mission to find affordable containers. Considering the ones I wanted cost $20 A PIECE, and I needed a lot. So if I were to buy the 20 large containers I wanted at $20 each and the 20 small containers I wanted at $10 each, this pantry would have cost me $600. Goodness gracious!

Instead, I headed to the dollar store (Dollorama to be precise) and here is the cost break down:

8 xVintage Looking Square Glass Containers $1.50 each = $12
6 x Large Plastic Bulk Containers $2.00 each: $12
6 x Glass Round Containers $2.00 each: $12
20 x Clear plastic "disposable" containers $2 for 10 = $4
4 x White Plastic Baskets $2 Each: $8
Total Cost: $48

Not bad, hey? Of course, I think the labels really help make it (if I do say so myself!). I ended up printing out a gazillion of them for everything I could think of to label. I even labeled the canisters I keep on my counters because they are just so pretty. I LOVE the white baskets. I've put them in my fridge as well, and in person they are sturdy and clean and modern looking and definitely not "dollar storey".

I'm not going to lie, sometimes I walk over to the kitchen and open up the cabinet and just stare... and smile. That's what organization should feel like, right? Well, let's just say I'm certainly inspired to continue the label love throughout my entire home...

These plastic lunch containers above are not the best quality around... at all. They do crack sometimes... they aren't super seal proof so not sure I would ever use them for wet stuff, but at 20 cents a piece, I can afford to replace them when the kick the bucket. And they've held out for me for a couple of months already. That being said, when I find something better (but same sort of profile) I will likely upgrade.

The baskets that I used in the fridge are amazing! Why have I yet to think of something so simple? All those bits of cheese and containers of feta and chevre, well, they now have a place! Leftovers, you know where you go! So simple yet so genius. And they don't cost a fortune like other fridge inserts I've seen.

And to finish it all off, they even look pretty on the counter (especially framed by my new bianco marble backsplash- that I scored for $2/square foot instead of the $30 retail price per square foot- but that is a story for another day!).

UPDATE: Thanks to all stopping by from iHeartOrganizing or a linky party! I have some follow up posts I'm planning on getting to this week, including how to laminate labels yourself (no fancy equipment required!), other areas of my home that I've organized with my labels, and an updated house tour with project info. In the meantime, here are some answers to some common questions I've got on here as well as on iHeart Organizing.

Where can you get these labels? Well, Jen at iHO was kind of enough to put these up (I seriously couldn't for the life of me figure out how to create a direct link to allow you to download the labels). There are 2 versions (long/low and square) and they are generic, meaning hopefully you use some of these things in your own cupboards!

Rectangular Labels
Square Labels

If you want custom ones, I blew the dust off my old etsy shop and put up some new listings. You can visit The Paper Society on etsy here or go check out my facebook page for some unlisted label designs. I'm always open to designing new things so feel free to contact me if you have an idea of what you want but can't seem to find what you're looking for.

How do you print these babies? On paper. Haha. Actually, any paper you like will do (well, not computer paper!) but I recommend mailing labels. Weatherproof ones are much more durable, so go for those. You can also just print on a thick cardstock and use as is, or laminate for extra durability (post to come!)!

About the containers? Yes, these are all from a dollar store in Canada, but shop around a bit and I'm sure you can find something similar in the US!

Is that a clock on the counter? Yes, yes it is! I got it at an interior design warehouse sale for $10.

Why are all of your posts a year old (other that this one?) Okay, this wasn't really a question I got, but felt the need to address it. Because I'm a poor excuse for a blogger. I finally figured out how to sort of use my camera, so hopefully I'll get some good DIY posts up sometimes soon.

Linking up with: A Thoughtful Place