Don't let the 1% pollute our air in Springfield!

"Artist's rendering" which fails to show nearby houses

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Springfield residents should contact their city councilors to  support these resolutions and contact Governor Patrick to urge him to  uphold state law.

Springfield, MA - November 17, 2011 - Members of Stop Toxic  Incineration in Springfield (STIS), a volunteer group opposed to the  building of the Palmer Renewable Energy (“PRE”) biomass incinerator, are  outraged at the issuance of the building permit by Springfield Building  Commissioner Desilets that would allow construction to begin on the  incinerator.  According to Lee Ann Warner, STIS spokesperson, "This  permit flies in the face of the Springfield City Council's 10-2  revocation vote of PRE's special permit.  It sets a very dangerous  precedent for Springfield to allow utility-scale incinerator development  within the city limits without any special permitting.  This  effectively eliminates the public’s voice in decisions that affect our  health."

Patrick Markey, concerned Springfield citizen and attorney,  states, "The city’s issuance of a building permit for the PRE  incinerator is contrary to the requirements of the City’s zoning rules.   The facility lacks a necessary special permit."

Sue Reid, Director of Conservation Law Foundation –  Massachusetts, added "The issuance of a building permit to PRE is  directly at odds with the City Council’s revocation of PRE’s Special  Permit.  In addition, PRE’s rush to secure an unlawful building permit  is baffling:  state law prohibits PRE from beginning any construction  because it does not have a final air permit.”

On Monday, November 21, at 6:30 pm in City Hall, the  Springfield City Council will meet and vote on two resolutions  concerning the PRE biomass incinerator.  Michaelann Bewsee notes, "The  first resolution would reaffirm City Council’s finding that the PRE  Biomass plant is an incinerator that requires a special permit on land  zoned Industrial A.  The second resolution calls on the state to enforce  its rule of no construction of a polluting facility prior to issuance  of a final, non-appealable state air permit.  The people of Springfield  spoke loudly and clearly that they do not want – and should not have to  tolerate – any more pollution in our already overburdened city.  We  commend the city councilors for acting on behalf of the people and  support them in passing these resolutions."

Thank you from the volunteers at STIS,