I hope this email finds you all safe and warm. This has certainly been a trying week and I know that some of you may not be out of the woods just yet. Please do not hesitate to call on your comrades if you are in need of a hot shower, a warm meal, or a heated place to sleep! I hope I do not speak alone when I say that the outpouring of generosity from friends and family over the last several days has been a beautiful reminder that we are all in this together.
Despite the fact that this is a difficult time for many of us, we are moving forward with the Civil Disobedience Clinic that has been planned for November 7th at 6:30 pm at the Western Mass Jobs with Justice office at 640 Page Boulevard in Springfield. The clinic is designed to give demonstrators a general overview of what civil disobedience is, what the legal and practical consequences of engaging in civil disobedience are, and what demonstrators' rights are if they are arrested. Attorneys Jeff Feuer and Lee Goldstein of the NLG Massachusetts Chapter's Mass Defense Committee will be conducting the clinic. For more information on the amazing work these guys do, please check out their website at http://www.
The clinic is free and open to all who are interested in attending, including community activists, students, professors, attorneys, and legal workers. We are especially encouraging local NLG attorneys and attorney friends of the Guild to attend the clinic, as it will be considered an official training for those who are willing to help the WNE Chapter conduct Civil Disobedience Clinics in the future. As the only Guild presence in Western Mass, WNE Chapter student members are doing our best to provide Occupiers and other local community activists with the legal support they need to carry their movement forward, but as law students, there is only so much we can do. We are relying on long-time Guild attorneys and supporters to rise up to this momentous occasion in history to help us, the next generation of progressive lawyers, as we strive to meet the legal needs of our local activist community at this time.
If you plan to attend the clinic, please RSVP to wne.nlg@gmail.com. You may also contact us at that email with questions about the Civil Disobedience Clinic or to let us know that you are interested in becoming more involved.
I hope to see many new and familiar faces in attendance!
In solidarity, Lauren Marcous,Student Representative,National Lawyers Guild, Western New England University Chapter
Graphic from Deviant Art
Graphic from Deviant Art