Today! Take Back Springfield rally at 5:30

 hey, I'm reposting about today's event...the Springfield police have much of the access to city hall blocked off to traffic, but the rally will go on!  Hope to see everyone there.

In June Springfield revoked a permit for a bio-mass plant that would damage our environment:
       Now Palmer Renewable Energy is attempting to build the air polluting biomass plant anyway!

In August Springfield passed the strongest anti-foreclosure legislation in the country:
       Now Bank of America and the Mass Bankers Association are threatening a lawsuit against the city.

Big Banks and Big Business are destroying our communities, killing our  jobs and damaging our environment! Its time to take back our city!

Monday, October 17 @ 5:30PM
Springfield City Hall Steps

We won’t be silent while big banks and big businesses continue to make profits at 

the expense of the people.
We won’t allow big banks and businesses to destroy our communities 

while taxpayers pick up the tab!
Stand up and fight back to take back control of our city and support policies that 

put people, not profits, first!

Arise for Social Justice • SEIU Local 1199 •
Springfield No One Leaves/Nadie Se Mude • City Councilor Amaad Rivera  •  Western Mass Jobs w/ Justice • Progressive Democrats of America   WMass American Friends Service  Committee • Stop Toxic Incineration • Pioneer Valley Young Democrats • Out Now!