This Saturday, Oct. 29 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Steve Thornton will conduct a training in nonviolent CD in Hartford at the King-Davis Labor Center (or at Turning Point Park… I’m trying to find out which). We’ll make it back with plenty of time to spare for the Springfield General Assembly from 5-6pm. Please send me a message (at or call me at 413-218-4496 if you’d like to carpool with me and Joe to the training. Steve has a long history in labor and other social justice organizing, and I was proud to get arrested with him as part of the “Park Place 21” for striking workers last year. Participating in Saturday’s training doesn’t commit you to doing CD with them. Local activists are also discussing incorporating CD in upcoming actions. The more of us who are trained and ready, the better. Occupy Hartford is asking training participants to register at i just did!
And, finally - REMINDER: we will be gathering for the 3rd time in the (un)Occupy Springfield Movement. We are building momentum. Please come join us this Saturday, October 29th, a day of national action - in Springfield's Court Square (intersection of Court St. and Main St) from 12noon - 6pm, with a General Assembly from 5-6pm. We are doing outreach to the homeless community and inviting folks to join us. Bring food if you can as we will be meeting through supper at the shelters and people need to eat!
For peace and justice,
Holly RichardsonHello all,
This is Catherine Ady-Bell, I've been organizing the legal observers for Occupy Springfield actions. I had the chance to speak with a few of you about the National Lawyers Guild's plan to host a Civil Disobedience training in the area. I now have some details of the event and I would love it if you could circulate this info to the broader Occupy Springfield movement and any other groups/individuals who might find it of use.
The training will be on Monday November 7th at 6:30 pm at a Springfield location TBD. As soon as I know the location I will get in touch again but I hope having the date known will make it possible to spread the word asap.
Photo from A.F. Litt's photostream at Flickr.