I'm writing to ask for a favor.
We've done everything we can think of in the last few months to make this Keystone XL tar sands pipeline a national issue, including sending 1253 people off to jail. I want to make their sacrifice count; and though the odds are still against us, they're improving daily.
On November 6, when we circle the White House, we can make the odds better still. But we need you to be there.
Click here to sign up to join us in DC on November 6 to encircle the White House.
Here's what momentum feels like: the Washington Post just put a big story on the front page making it very, very clear that we've got the president's attention. Hours later the Baltimore Sun came out with a powerful editorial against the pipeline. Everyone from the Dalai Lama to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (what a team!) have been pitching in during the last few days.
And yesterday a new video arrived, courtesy of our friends at NRDC, from Robert Redford, who's done as much good environmental work as anyone in the country. It sums up the case. If you get a chance, watch it.
After you watch the video, please sign up here to join in on Nov. 6, hopefully with lots of friends in tow. We don't know exactly how many people it will take to circle the White House, but we know we need you.
Bill McKibben
P.S. No need to worry about getting arrested this time. It's going to be legal, and lovely. All the signs will carry quotes from Obama in 2008: sentiments like, "It's time to end the tyranny of oil." It's time to see if we can bring that old Barack Obama out of hiding!
P.P.S. We've been busy fighting the pipeline, but we're also carving out some time to join the amazing #Occupy movement -- you can get more info at
"Obama allies’ interests collide over Keystone pipeline" - The Washington Post
"No to Keystone XL" - The Baltimore Sun
Senators Raise ‘Serious Concerns’ About State Department Study on Tar Sands Oil Pipeline
Nine Nobel Peace Laureates Urge Obama to Reject Keystone XL is building a global movement to solve the climate crisis. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter, and sign up for email alerts. You can help power our work by getting involved locally and donating here.