Tornado Recovery: Will they really listen? Not if we don't speak out!

If you don’t read the newspaper everyday…if you’re not on the city’s email list…..then you might not know that there’s a Rebuild Springfield Citizens Advisory Committee which will make recommendations to the Mayor about how to rebuild our city.

Some people don’t want ANY new rental housing to be built to replace what is lost.. Is that what YOU want?
Some people want a supermarket built in the inner city. Do YOU like that idea?
Some people want more parks, more green space. How do YOU feel?
Some people want more businesses on Main St. but NOT a Big Box drugstore. How about YOU?

Arise for Social Justice is concerned that city decision-makers will rebuild Springfield for the people they WISH lived here, not the people who DO live here!

Make sure your voice is heard and attend these listening sessions? Need more info? Call Arise at 734-4948.


July 27, 2011 – In collaboration with the DevelopSpringfield and Springfield Redevelopment Authority’s Public/Private Partnership, the Rebuild Springfield Advisory Committee will be holding a Listening Tour during the month of August to hear from homeowners, residents and businesses about how they envision their neighborhoods to be rebuilt.  This is a unique opportunity to improve upon the past and preserve the vital components of each neighborhood. 
The tour is part of the overall Master Plan process and the Advisory Committee wants to ensure input has been solicited from each neighborhood in order to share it with the consulting firm that is ultimately chosen to prepare a master plan.  Each neighborhood affected by the tornado is unique and has individual characteristics that should be preserved.  The Advisory Committee realizes that an effective Master Plan must reflect the voices of the people and businesses that reside in each neighborhood.  These meetings are an opportunity to ensure that everyone is part of the rebuilding process.
The tours are scheduled as follows:
August 2nd       6:00 – 8:00 p.m.     Milton Bradley School             22 Mulberry St.
August 5th       6:00 – 8:00 p.m.      JC Williams Comm. Cntr         116 Florence St.
August 11th     6:00 – 8:00 p.m.      Greenleaf Comm. Center         1188 ½ Parker St.
August 16th     6:00 – 8:00 p.m.      Holy Cross Church                    221 Plumtree Rd.