Earth Day ‘11: Facing Our Present and Future through Eco-Poetry, Prose, and Song
Friday, April 22, 6:30-9:30pm, Northampton, Unitarian Universalist Society, 220 Main St.
Monday, May 2nd, 6:30-9pm, Greenfield , Second Congregational Church, Courthouse Square, (Near intersection of Main and Federal Streets)
Valley poets, writers, and musicians will offer their work focused on the ecological crisis facing—and caused by-- humanity.
The poetry will include not only expression of the grief, fear, outrage, and despair felt by many, but also the vision and hope for healing the planet, and living in sustainable harmony with the earth and each other. This is the first such gathering, which will continue once every three months with different artists presenting their work.
Poet John Berkowitz of Shelburne will host, and offer his recent poems such as: Vapor Trails, Apples from China, A Tsunami of Plastic, Tech-knowledg-y or Ignorance, and Honeybees: This Century’s Canary in the Coal Mine? He and others will also read environmental poems by Mary Oliver, Billy Collins, Ellen Bass, Wendell Berry, Marge Piercy, David Whyte, Galway Kinnell, and others. Poetry in songs recorded by Bruce Cockburn, Joni Mitchell, Bruce Springsteen, Magpie, and others of national and local renown will also be played, listened to, and discussed. People attending are also welcome to bring and read their own work, or favorites by others. After each reading, the audience will be invited to share their response to the poem or song and what it expressed. This will be limited to 5 minutes; and each responder will have not more than 1 minute, allowing others to have a turn. For those who wish to read along as well as listen, and take home the poems afterward, copies of each poem or song lyrics will be provided by those poets/writers who wish to do so.
Participating poets/writers/musicians for Friday, April 22 * Lori Desrosiers, Westfield poet, editor of Poetry News online calendar of events, * Jim Culleny, Shelburne poet/writer, op-ed column writer in Shelburne Independent and Greenfield Recorder, * Stan Pollock, Florence poet, * Annie Hassett, Greenfield, musician/songwriter, * Paul Richmond, Wendell poet/writer, host of Spoken Word events, * Erica Wheeler, Colrain musician/songwriter
Participating poets/writers/musicians for Monday, May 2 * Susan Middleton, Ashfield poet, * Jay Mankita, Northampton musician/songwriter,
More info: John Berkowitz, 413-625-6374
Organization Co-Sponsors (not yet confirmed): Greening Greenfield, Traprock Peace Center, MoveOn, CAN, Safe and Green, Transition Towns: Greenfield, Shelburne, 350 Pioneer Valley Alan Eccleton, National Priorities Project , Alliance for Peace and Justice, Arise for Social Justice, Stop toxic Incineration in Springfield, Connecticut River Watershed Alliance, Clean Water Action, American Friends Service Committee, Jobs With Justice, Coop Power, Center for Ecological Technology, Northampton Grow Food, Hungry Ghost Bread, Bread Euphoria, New England Organic Farmers Association, New England Solar Energy Association, Concerned Citizens of Franklin County plus Spfld/Russell group, PV Local First, Amherst Sustainability Fair, Seeds of Solidarity (Orange), North Star Self-Directed Learning for Teens, Boys To Men Teen Mentoring Program, Charlemont Academy