Washington, D.C.
February 2, 2011
Dear NAHC Members and Supporters,
Strengthening America's Values and Economy For All is a new campaign to SAVE low- and moderate-income people from loss of economic security due to threatened severe cuts in federal funding and to SAVE the federal capacity to spur economic recovery and progress for the benefit of all. The campaign is being coordinated by the Coalition on Human Needs, and NAHC is taking a leading role.NAHC has just signed on to SAVE for All's Statement of Principles, and encourages you to do the same. The campaign is developing materials that will make a case for the involvement of federal resources, engage grassroots advocates, employ media strategies, and contact members of Congress with messages consistent with SAVE's Statement of Principles.
You can view SAVE's Statement of Principles here.
To sign on to the Statement of Principles, click here.
SAVE for All is committed to including state and local organizations, especially grassroots service providers, in its campaign. In the next few days, you will receive a message from us inviting you to join the campaign as a field advocate and participate in congressional visits via conference call. NAHC encourages all its members and supporters to join these efforts. Direct communication from constituents is crucial to the success of this campaign.
Please forward this message to your networks and other service providers in your area.
Thanks for all that you do,
National AIDS Housing Coalition