International Women’s Day, 100th anniversary
Celebrate Women Rising!
March 4-8, 2011
featuring women’s struggle for justice, human and civil rights in song, story and actions which speak truth to power!
Friday, March 4 - 7 PM – Film: “Enemies of Happiness” with Malalia Joya - Media Education Foundation – 60 Masonic Street, Northampton
Saturday, March 5 –
11 AM- Weekly Peace Vigil (Corner Main and King Street)
12PM- March and Women’s Soapbox Speakout at City Hall, Northampton
Join us for a local lunch & walk to
2-5 PM At the Unitarian Society- 220 Main Street
Speakers & Discussion-
Fahima Vorgetts, Women for Afghan Women’s Fund
Zasa Al-Janabi- Iraqi Smith student, recently returned from Bagdad
& Cherie Rankin-Veterans for Peace
With raffle, hot beverages, music from the Middle East and topic tables!
Tuesday, March 8 – International Women’s Day
4 – Banner Drop from the Railroad Bridge at Main and Hawley Street
5 - March to the UU for a women’s community meal & potluck
6:30 - Speaker on CEDAW (tba) and Community Sing
featuring Karen Brandow
Bring a song, poem or story related to women’s struggle
for justice, human rights and equal rights in a global context.
Join us in celebrating the 100TH Anniversary
of International Women’s Day!
We will pass the hat/ fundraise for ARISE, which is helping women in foreclosure
Co-Sponsors (partial list): Western Massachusetts Alliance for Peace and Justice, American Friends Service Committee of Western Massachusetts, Arise for Social Justice, Middle East Peace Coalition, Northampton Committee to Stop the Wars, Western Massachusetts Code Pink, Western Massachusetts Jobs with Justice., Women in Black.
For further information, contact: 413-625-9242