Hawks only kill for food. What about our young people?

Mari got a couple of great pictures of the hawk that hangs around Arise.  Apparently he was in the middle of devouring a pigeon and had no intention of flying away until he was finished.  I think we have to come up with a name for him, and maybe, if we're lucky, we'll spot where he and his mate have their nest.

Hawks only kill for food.   Why are our young people being killed?

Last week Jesus Osorio, 24 years old, was shot to death.  It's the third homicide of a young person so far this year.  MassLive did an excellent story about this young man's life and the people, including two small children, he leaves behind.
If there's one organization I can think of in Springfield that is determined to bring this slaughter to an end, it's AWAKE.  AWAKE is having a Rebuilding the Village community meeting this Thursday, 6 pm., place TBA, according to its Facebook page, but you can find out where it is by contacting Chelan Brown at chelanbrown@email.com.