Auction postoned: organizing makes a difference!

TWO rallies in the cold today, starting with the auction action in Springfield-- and it was postponed until March 24!  Guess that's what happens when you're trying to have an auction and the bankers can barely hear themselves over the chanting demonstrators and anyone who comes to bid finds out we're not going to let the family be evicted.

Here's a report from Malcolm Chu, coordinator of the No One Leaves Campaign-Springfield::
Ms. Williams' daughter on the steps of her home
Today a crowd of 25 residents, bank tenants, allies & activists gathered to protest the foreclosure auction of Ms. Inez Williams at 1179 Saint James Avenue by MidFirst Bank! Joining together with Ms. Williams children and family, the power of the community rose up again and made it clear that the time of banks destroying Springfield communities with no resistance is over. Springfield Residents are STANDING UP & FIGHTING BACK! 

As a result the foreclosure auction has been POSTPONED to March 24th, 2011 at 11AM. We will be ready to come back out in larger numbers if the bank does not negotiate with Ms. Williams and her family. After foreclosure, the bank can't get more than the real market value of the house anyway, so why not work with Ms. Williams to reduce the principal amount owed to current market value and keep her in her home, instead of leaving another family homeless and another home vacant! 

On Thursday February 24th, we are planning to protest 2 more foreclosure auctions. We will keep you posted on the status of these families' struggle. 

Guzman Family Foreclosure Auction Protest
Thursday February 24th at 9:30 AM
12-14 Foster Street, Springfield, MA

Pena Family Foreclosure Auction Protest
Thursday February 24th at 12:30PM
29 Verge Street, Springfield, MA

For more information or to get more involved in the growing Bank Tenant Movement in Springfield: 
Photos by Arise interns Emily and Katy