Housing Problems got you down?
Did you Know:
No one can evict you except a Housing Court Judge.
You have a right to live in safe and sanitary housing.
Landlords are forbidden by law from retaliating if you complain about bad conditions.
Tenants have RIGHTS as well as RESPONSIBILITIES, but it can feel scary to act on your own.
Arise for Social Justice is building a Tenants
Union to tackle problems such as substandard housing, freedom from harassment, and the lack of affordable housing in Springfield.
JOIN US! The next TENANTS UNION meeting is
March 17th, 2010 6:00 pm
467 State Street
Springfield, MA
For more information call 413-734-4948 and ask for Liz or Lamont.

Los problamas de Vivenda te tiene mal?
Nadie puede desalojarlo a usted, excepto un Juez de la vivenda.
Usted tiene el derecho a vivir en una vivenda segura, y sanitaria.
Landlords estan prohibidos por la ley tomar la decision de tirarte
ala caye situ te quejas de malas condicionesde de tu apartamento.
Los inquilions teine derechos asi como responsabilidades, pero se puede sentir miedo de
actuar por su cuenta.
Arise for Social Justice esta haciendo una asociacion de inquilinos en Springfield para hacer frente a problemas de vivenda precaria, la libertad, y la falta de vivendas accesibles en Springfield.
Liz or Lamont 413-734-4948
March 17th, 2010 6:00pm
467 State Street
Springfield, MA