You tired of your hectic life? Want take a breather and you don’t have enough money for accommodation? I know I sound like some ad that sells stuff that you don’t even need. Well, here is something a lot of people are engaging in all over the world. Couch surfing. No, it’s not taking your couch out to the sea & get on it like a surf board. It’s actually a new way of accommodation. It’s hosting people on your couch. Especially; backpackers who seek accommodation at a very minimum cost. This not so new accommodation style of staying with a local as a guest in their home is being experienced by about 1.25million people, to date. Apparently 1.5 million new friendships have been formed through CS. Members have reported 3.2 million positive experiences. So, believe me its ideal & I’m thinking of trying it out my self. You can apply & be a member for accommodation or to accommodate (that is if you have a couch).
Visit them on couchsurfing.com. Now you don’t have an excuse of not travelling. Maybe you should sit down on your couch & think about it... It also gives more people the chance to become travelers, because 'surfing' lowers the financial cost of exploration.