It's all about giving homage to the DJ’s. 14 Months. In the House seems to be bringing a whole more decennial landmarks, once of which happens to be our much lauded collection of Dope Flayers, with Nu- breed Jazz podcast released just last month, to celebrate this quite extraordinary boutique music series.
Yes they take pride in the music that they play, some would even have highly paid, trendy, scene attending, music consultants to carefully select the tracks that their beloved customers are treated to. It's an important part of networking experience and ambience to get the music just right, so can a CD from a boutique music series. Create this vibe and be a palatable experience too?
Unsurprisingly - There's only one event on everyone's lips and hips this weekend Thesis Social jam Session. This month sees two extra special TSJS giving homage to DJ’s event. Firstly, remember their newly found breed Ricardo! Returns home to Jam sessions for the first time in more than 10 months.
Ricardo! Dub /Dance hall Groove Foundation return 'That Feeling' to the dance floors for 2009. He reworks those recognizable Dance hall drums adding a slick vocal for good measure, alongside accapellas. Look out for part 2 with mixes from Bennie Man and Sizzler on the Beat means this is hot
Omi- a magical mystery tour guider, driving us through different venues every time his on the decks, going thru worlds most creative, innovative and credible labels significant to people.
37mph-This South African born producer has been given credit by international heavy weights from Shady Records Senior a&R – Riggs Morales and music legend Wyclef Jean. Music connoisseurs will savor different sounds namely classical, lounge, acid jazz, drum & bass, jungle and hip-hop soul. This masterpiece will be accompanied with a live band and an 8 string section.
Words do no justice to truly describing the beauty and art in the music 37mph makes, one simply has to lay back and just experience it....
Wireless_G is one of those very rare DJ's that competently straddles the treacherous ground between Souls to breaks. A guy influenced as much by Jazz and Afro Beats as he is with Deep House. This Soweto born DJ’s has built up a reputation as being a leader in the contemporary down tempo sound and many following faithfully….. Twittering
A line-up that defies belief . Strictly Rhythm favorites...