Hello Everyone.. I finally get a few moments to work on the computer!! Don from Ohio and I were picked up again this am by security on the way to buy some water and were transported to Arish the nearest big city, which is about 2 hours away from the border, before we were let go.. now we are waiting for security to lose interest in us, before we try to go back though the many check points to the border... What better place to hid than in the net works!! The border is very hot, we are sleeping in tents, in what could be called a large car port, with security all over the place... we are about 100 yards from the gate and the border runs about 200 yards along the side of us.... most mornings we wake to the sounds of bombs being dropped very near.it is said to be on the tunnels,. so the whole earth shakes... and at night too there is bombs being dropped.. Our daily skd is pretty much the same each day.. getting up.. washed in the bathroom (if security has't locked us out) and you wouldn't want to call it a bathroon... it is really a line of really dirty small ( the john in the office is 3 times as big!!) room with a hole and a water pipe... we have found a cut off plastic bottle works well to collect the water from the pipe and pour over the body!! so much for showers... and than washing our clothers in another large plastic bottle..to be put out on the tree to dry .. and we are ready for going to the gate to talk to all the different people denied entering Gaza...there are 50 or 60 people each day who are denied and many of them keep coming back ..secuity keeps saying they don't have the right papers. 10 people from United Nations are being denied right now...many people are from the US... families coming to visit their parents or to attend a wedding, the stories are unbelievable..one women was told that the house of the family she wanted to visit was destroyed so she didn't have the right address to enter!! Well it is time to pick up some water and look for a way back in.Love and. Peace to all Ellen... I moved my tkt up.. will be back Monday.. Hugs Ellen