Shouldn't take more than a second... ... ...
After all, no one takes the time to envision, craft, and post a piece of content --- of any type --- without hoping for an audience to react to it. Even the gazillions of abandoned blogs that you run across were clearly hoping that their small voice would find a receptive ear.
If we are “all” becoming marketers, it follows that we are all also looking for “distribution” outlets. (Blogger is a lemonade stand. MySpace and YouTube are aggregators – shopping malls. Who’s got the best lemonade stand? What’s the coolest store to hang out in? Who’s the coolest kid at the mall?)
That's not to say that the content creator is marketing for a montary gain, necessarily. In the 2.0 world --- in which, let’s not forget, we are increasingly alienated from real-world communities and instead embrace our screens --- “marketing” for an amateur content creator may just mean that they are looking for validation, for authority --- not a pay-out.
By “marketing,” in other words, I am suggesting that a content creator is actively in search of an audience. If they fail, they try again: they make their content better; they post in a different forum. They are making tactical, thoughtful calculations about how to boost traffic/comments/feedback that validate their efforts. They take action in search of reaction.
Look again at the adorable kid in this picture. She probably spent an hour making those Play Doh sculptures. And I'll bet that she subsequently called out to Mommy to check it all out. She is clearly delighted that Mommy was so impressed that she ran to grab the camera! The li'l gal is a content creator who successfully marketed the value of her effort. With a click of the camera shutter, she closed the sale. Validation!
"Maybe I am inexperienced and naive, but why can’t (your ideas) be implemented? As an undergrad majoring in PR, I am completely terrified that while the school’s reputation might add some attractiveness to my resume, my real-world skills will be terribly lacking. Internships only tend to reinforce the concepts that PR intro classes teach (like how to write a press release), but they fall short in terms of providing a meaningful connection with the professional world as a whole.Wow. (Umm, Lindsay - call me 1st, upon graduation! Your thoughtfulness and sincerity light up your comment.)
"So I’m stumped. If I can’t receive much significant in the way of actual, workable knowledge in undergrad, grad school, or internships, then it follows that the people providing the jobs should help cultivate me.
"If the PR firms and departments are dissatisfied with the pseudo-educated graduates flocking in for interviews, why don’t they have a right to work closely with colleges and universities? Why is this such a utopian idea, Todd?"
My business is Social Pathology.
Modern society is a fascinating laboratory for the student of applied philosophy. For thousands of years philosophers have debated the best way to live, dreaming up perfect societies and utopias based upon rational systems of thought. Most of their theories came to naught as years of ignorance, superstition (religion) and tradition conspired to limit their plans.
Now in these early years of the 21st century, with religion and tradition effectively quashed, men and women are free to live in whichever way they please. Any idiot theory can have its way, protected by the modern western philosophy of radical liberalism and the welfare state. The supporting edifice of this laboratory is the theory of liberalism. No man, prince, sage or church should compel a man to do or think anything. As the captain of his destiny and the master of his soul, each man his own moral philosopher, the choices and actions of his life his own. This glorious vision was to liberate man from misery imposed from above to the beatific vision of unlimited freedom and hence happiness.
Unfortunately it hasn't worked out that way. The man is the street is no more able to choose a path to happiness than he able to fix his own television. In my consulting room I deal daily with the consequences of applied philosophic theory. Depression and lifestyle illnesses are endemic and I ask why? In the U.S, supposedly the richest country on earth why are 30% of people going to take anti depressants at some stage in their life? Why is it when people can choose whom they want to marry, at least 50% end in divorce? Divorce was meant to liberate women but how come so many of them are miserable? Why is contraception so freely available and the abortion rate so high? Ever met a happy feminist?
The answer, stupid philosophy or more importantly pathological ideas. By pathological ideas I mean ideas which followed to their conclusion lead to misery. Their misery leads to depression and their depression leads to me. Some men suffer depression from external causes, Death, tragedy or illness but a greater portion of men suffer because they live their life stupidly. They have a pathological weltschauung. It's my job to fix it if I can. However some ideas are so malign that there effect is similar to cancer on the body, slowly spreading to every healthy thought. Strong medicine is needed.
Time to call the Social Pathologist.