I read through some of the reader comments on Amazon (rave reviews), and this one summed up my own feelings best:
"As a PR professional and former journalist, I've heard the old adage 'good, fast, cheap -- pick any two, many times.' With this book, you can get all three. The beauty of these tips is that the author has managed to condense what would normally take years to learn through experience and gives a consise and well written summary of pr fundementals. Not only would I encourage business people to read it, but for students interested in pursuing a pr career, it could help put you on the fast track."I heartily agree. This is a quick read that will make any PR newbie sound like a legitimate pro. As Joe himself says in the book: "PR is not magic. It's a trade." If so, he's written a first-class instruction book. (For less than $10, even!)