Last week we learned that SHIFT Communications was named one of the Best Places To Work in the Bay Area for 2006.
This joins our award for Best Place To Work in Boston, for 2005.
That's coast-to-coast bliss, baby.
Yes, I am tootin' our own horn. Our Agency is not even 3 years old yet; to have won back-to-back "Best Places To Work" awards in two highly-competitive metros feels like a meaningful victory.
How did we create a Bi-Coastal Blissburger like this one? By trying to never forget that everyone in the agency (and everyone in the world, for that matter), wears an invisible sign around their neck that reads, "Make me feel special." We try to ward off over-work; to defend good people from bad clients; to keep our doors open; to greet each person with a smile in the morning; and to be as transparent as possible about the business.
The new Flavia "mocapuccinomacallit" machine probably doesn't hurt, either.