Meanwhile I have been intrigued and pleased by the work being done over at the Bad Pitch Blog.
So, it dawned on me to rip 'em off. But in a good way.
Where the Bad Pitch Blog will focus on showcasing examples of bad pitches and practices (with exceptions made for some exceptional work), in the Good Pitch Blog we'll focus solely on the good. Hopefully it gets enough momentum behind it such that we'll have scores of examples of excellent pitches, and agencies can point their newbies to this spot for some helpful tips.
Part of me was loathe to start off with a SHIFT pitch - it felt like navel-gazing... but then, that's all the fodder I have for now. And anyway another part of me said, "You've got to put skin in the game right away."
I hope you'll join the effort and send along some of your own best pitches. Also, please ask your journalist friends to pass along some good pitches, too!
Lastly, my heartfelt thanks to Richard and Kevin at the Bad Pitch Blog, for their Day One Blessings. If the Good Pitch Blog winds up 1/2 as popular and helpful to our industry as their site, it will have been worth the effort.