Morgan McLintic from LEWIS and PR young'un Ryan Lack tagged me to submit my 4 things. OK, here goes.
4 jobs I've had:
Kennel boy - you haven't lived until you've bathed 5 frenzied cats in a single day. I lost half a finger at this gig.
Ice cream scooper - worst part was getting caught giving free scoops to pretty girls.
"Emergency" house cleaner - you know, like when the furnace explodes and coats all your knick-knacks in a fine black powder, or the basement floods?
Telemarketer - "I am not trying to sell you anything; I just want you to invite our salesman into your home so he can explain about frozen meat products."
4 movies I can watch over & over:
Napoleon Dynamite / Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle (tie)
Monty Python & The Holy Grail
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Blade Runner
4 TV shows I love to watch:
Daily Show
The Office (American version, even though everyone claims the BBC version is superior)
Deadwood (HBO)
4 places I've visited on vacation:
Rome, Italy
Aberystwyth, Wales (2x)
Eluethera, Bahamas
Euro Disney, France
4 favorite dishes:
Beef brisket
Spaghetti w/ red clam sauce
Irish oatmeal with brown sugar glaze
"Peasant plate" - bread, cheese, apple slices, kalamata olives & some hummus
4 websites (or feeds) I visit daily:
Seth Godin
Guy Kawasaki
Silicon Valley Watcher
4 places I'd rather be:
Mongolia, on horseback
Patagonia, on foot
Kauai, in the water
Santorini, Greece, with my wife
(Just hangin' on my deck is okay, too.)
4 bloggers I'm tagging:
Mike Spinney
Marcel Goldstein
Burghardt Tenderich
Tom Murphy